* . view the book at landscape stories . // .the book is out of print
review My Passion Blog by Samantha Post // Oktober 10th, 2015
review My Passion Blog by Samantha Post // Oktober 10th, 2015
(...) a terrific set of pictures (...)
Martin Parr and Gerry Badger // The Photobook: A History volume III
review mutant space by moray mair // january 17th, 2014
64 pages
25 color photographs
22,5 x 32,5 cm
ISBN 978-3-941825-29-1
EUR 25.-
4 th edition ready for sale
images I peperoni books

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Martin Parr and Gerry Badger // The Photobook: A History volume III
review mutant space by moray mair // january 17th, 2014
Deutscher Fotobuchpreis 2012

64 pages
25 color photographs
22,5 x 32,5 cm
ISBN 978-3-941825-29-1
EUR 25.-
4 th edition ready for sale
images I peperoni books
de Volkskrant // OBSERVATORIUM ( FAMILIE ) // December 2012

PHOTONEWS // november 2011 // portfolio

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photo + art book // hamburg // deichtorhallen // 02 - 04. september 2011
